Keep It Local Idaho2021-04-29T17:12:14-06:00

What Inspired Our Founding?

Facts are important. There are a lot of misconceptions about the services locally elected officials provide and how those services are funded. We will share information with Idahoans about why locals are essential.

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Keep It Local Idaho

Keep It Local Idaho was created in partnership with the Idaho Association of Counties, the Association of Idaho Cities, the Idaho Association of Highway Districts and the Idaho School Boards Association.

The mission of Keep It Local Idaho is to educate Idahoans about local issues and the importance of keeping government control closest to the people.

From The Blog

Impact Fees: A Tool Worth Exploring for Idaho School Districts

January 11, 2022|

Historically, school districts in Idaho have funded the construction of additional schools needed to serve new growth through property taxes. Growth in operating costs and restricted property tax levy increases eventually required Idaho school districts to seek supplemental overrides and plant levies to generate additional revenue.

The Untapped Link Between Online Shopping and Property Tax Relief

January 11, 2022|

When you buy a new shirt at your local department store or a new drill from a local hardware store, part of the sales tax you pay is shared with your city and county. Sharing sales tax revenue with Idaho cities and counties helps fund essential local government services like police and fire protection and road maintenance. It also reduces your city and county’s reliance on property taxes which, in turn, reduces the amount of property taxes you pay.

Local Solutions to Local Problems

April 26, 2021|

There is a lot of misunderstanding regarding what Idaho public school teachers are currently allowed to teach and how those decisions are made. Keep It Local Idaho wants to clear up the confusion about how local school boards operate to ensure curriculum is appropriate for our schoolchildren. 

How Do Property Taxes Work?

Nobody likes property taxes and if you’ve ever felt that way, you’re not alone. But what are property taxes? They’re the primary funding source for essential services such as highway districts, cities, counties, schools and much more. Each of which are their own taxing district and levy their own property taxes. So I bet you’re wondering how does it all work? Watch our brief video and find out.

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How Do Property Taxes Work?

Nobody likes property taxes and if you’ve ever felt that way, you’re not alone. But what are property taxes? They’re the primary funding source for essential services such as highway districts, cities, counties, schools and much more. Each of which are their own taxing district and levy their own property taxes. So I bet you’re wondering how does it all work? Watch our brief video and find out.

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