How Do Property Taxes Work?
Nobody likes property taxes and if you’ve ever felt that way, you’re not alone. But what are property taxes? They’re the primary funding source for essential services such as highway districts, cities, counties, schools and much more. Each of which are their own taxing district and levy their own property taxes. So I bet you’re wondering how does it all work? Watch our brief video and find out.
What Do Local Governments in Idaho Do?
From parks to public safety to quality schools and quality way of life, here in Idaho local governments provide essential services. Check out this video to see just some of the examples of what your local governments do.
Online Sales Tax Bucket
Did you know that a large portion of the sales tax that you are currently paying online isn’t currently being used? Right now, there are over a hundred million dollars just waiting for Idaho legislators to determine how to spend it. Check out this video to see our idea.
Let Growth Pay for Itself
Here at the local level we know property taxes can be messy. You may be wondering how it all works. Check out this video to learn more.
Funding For Growth
Idaho is the fastest growing state in the nation. With that growing population comes the need to fund locally provided services. Check out this video to learn more about how new properties can help pay for needed new services.
Property Tax Relief
From safe roads and schools to clean water and the county fair, your local governments provide many essential services. Does this explain why your property taxes are rising so quickly? Check out this video to find out.